Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My First Blog

Hi Everybody;

This is my first blog, thanks to my social media class at the college. I am so excited and nervous because my experience with this new technology is little. But that's the idea, to start with my first blog and share with you one of my favorite passions, CHILDREN!!!!!!.

I love them because they transmit to me in a special way, peace, sweetness, wisdom, and joy. Also, because they teach me a lot that life is simple and funny. They are so cute and one of my personal satisfactions is to be able to help them.

The purpose of this blog is to create a pleasant and loving environment to share our own experiences and to learn a lot all about CHILDREN.  I hope we have fun in this sweet adventure.

Thank you

1 comment:

  1. Marisol,

    Children are large blessings and they do have such a way that they remind you of things from the past of simpler times. I look forward to reading your blog and no worries you will be fine. You have tons of help if needed. :)
